Hi! Long time no see.
I’ve been on hiatus since a year ago.
Alhamdulillah. I’m all well.
I’ve been on hiatus since a year ago.
Alhamdulillah. I’m all well.
I live in Blitar now. Since 8th January after we married on 3rd January. Since then, I live with my mertua in Nglegok.
We also had our wedding celebration here on 3rd, 4th, and 5th February. Alhamdulillah both celebrations were succeed.
How’s life? How’s my marriage life? It’s wonderful. Living together with my husband in Nglegok, (not) so far away with my parents, it’s such a challenge and gratefulness for me. Basically I’m not a morning person (and I’m still working on it). Waking up in the morning, preparing breakfast for my husband (the good thing is he never asks me for the ribet one kind of breakfast. He wants toast for his breakfast. Are you sure it makes you wareg, honey?)
My days filled with kindness from all of people here. Ibuk and Abah were great. I wish we always have great chemistry like this.
Masbima currently working as a government officer. So that, he works every day except on Saturday and Sunday. He also opened a café last September together along with his friends, Mbak Ratna and Mas Kusem. The café opens every day except on Thursday. My days be like waiting my husband coming back home till 3-4 pm (Sometimes I accompany him). While waiting him, as a housewife I’m doing my chores, doing laundries, cooking (sometimes. Because we have housemaid here), cleaning the house, cleaning Mili and Nathan cages, etc. When he arrived, he took a break till Maghrib, and then he goes to the café in Blitar. The sad thing is we had low quality time (for now). Because he will be at home at 11-12 pm. I wish we have more time to spend together ya mas. Barokallah ya mas, jangan capek-capek ya. Ditunggu istrimu di rumah.
Di Blitar sini sudah pernah ke Sirah Kencong sama Bukit Bunda. Kesana pas weekend. Bisanya pas itu e. Haha. Ke Sirah Kencong ke Puncak Kejora sama Mbak Shinta, Caca juga. Waktu itu kupaksa main kesini. Hehe.
Another kesibukannya masbima adalah: joining a club community, Lancer Blitar Club. Komunitasnya orang-orang yang punya mobil SL Lancer. They had their kopdar every Saturday night. Sometimes my husband took me there. We had random conversation there.
(#nowplaying Me Like Yuh - Jay Park ft. Hoody)
We went on a trip on 3rd, 4th, and 5th March to Jogja. Naik kereta dari Stasiun Blitar ke Stasiun Tugu. Dianter Abah ke stasiun. Keretanya berangkat jam 6 kurang kalo nggak salah. Kita berangkat naik kereta Malabar kelas ekonomi. Sampek di Stasiun Tugu sekitar jam setengah 12 malem. Keluar pintu stasiun disambut taksi-taksi menawarkan tumpangan ke hotel. Akhirnya kami deal-i ke Airy Room daerah mana ya lupa. Hehe. Pokoknya lumayan jauh dari stasiun. Lima belas menit an. Tarifnya 80ribu. Hemm oke.
Sampek di hotel, langsung tidur. Besoknya kesiangan cuy. Berangkat dari hotel naik taksi ke Malioboro. Niatnya cari sarapan. Kena tarif 30ribu. Wow. Kaget. Berarti kemarin dibohongin sama supir taksinya. Bisa-bisanya dikasih harga 80ribu. Guila. Bisa dibuat jajan gudeg berapa piring.
Niatnya kan cari sarapan ya di Malioboro. Kukira Masbima pengen makan gudeg. Ternyata setelah menyusuri jalan, ujung-ujungnya ke McD di Malioboro Mall. Sok-sok an banget ya kita. Jauh-jauh ke Jogja makannya di McD.
Ohiya sebelumnya udah janjian sama mas-mas Transmojo Rental. Mau nyewa motor. Sambil wasap-an sama masnya, sambil makan, sambil nunggu motornya dateng. Habis makan, duduk-duduk nongski panas di depan Malioboro Mall. Guaya pol.
Akhirnya masnya dateng, cus ke Kawasan Hutan Pinus Dlingo. Cus sekitar jam 9 an. Sudah siang ya ternyata.
Akhirnya sampek di Hutan Pinus. Cari parkir sepeda motor. Jalan ke ticketing. Bayar berapa ya lupa. Lima ribu apa ya? Udah selfie mode on. Dan hujan. Hujan lumayan deres. Tapi cuman bentar Alhamdulillah. Lanjut jalan-jalan ke atas. Ke rumah pohon. Biasa, foto-foto. Heheheheh. Selanjutnya ya jalan-jalan lagi, foto-foto lagi. (Bersambung…) (Ngantuks)